Kirat Rai Bagdogra RSS Feedhttp://www.kiratraibagdogra.orgLatest activity of our OrganizationSakela 2023 by YHKKRSS<p>सिलगढी, ७ मई (निसं) ५ मईको दिन किराँती खम्बू राई सांस्कृतिक संस्थान बाघडङ्ग्रा एम एम तराईद्वारा उभौली पूजा (साकेला) माङ्गखिम परिसर एम एम तराईमा बढो हषोल्लासको साथ पालन गरिएको छ। किराँती खम्बू राईहरू गोर्खा जातिको उपजाति प्राकृतिक पूजक जनजाति हुनाले प्रकृति पूजा, कूल पूजा, खोक्लिहाङ्गमा पूजा, सेउली पूजा, खोला पूजा साथै सिकारी पूजा सिली नाच्दै सम्पन्न गरियो। <br /> </p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp; यस अवसरमा किरात राई जाति लगायत अन्य जनगोष्ठी लिम्बू ट्राइबल वेल्फेयर सोसाइटी, मगर समाज भारत बाघडग्रा शाखा, पानी ट्याङ्की राई सेवा समिति, यलमबरहाङ्ग किराँती खम्बू राई सांस्कृतिक संस्थान बाघड्ग्रा, एम एम तराईका कलाकारहरूले रङ्गारङ्ग सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमको प्रस्तुति दिएर दर्शकहरूलाई मनोरञ्जन गराए। कार्यक्रममा सांस्कृतिक टोलीको साथै अन्य धेरै जनगोष्ठीका मानिसहरूको उपस्थिति रहेको थियो साथै दार्जी लिङ, खर्साङ, सिलगढी, मिरिक, मङ्पू, कालेबुङ, सिक्किम, मेघालय, शिलोङ, इन्दोर (मध्य प्रदेश) बाट राई जनगोष्ठीका प्रतिनप्रतिनिधहरूको पनि उपस्थिति रहेको थियो। यसरी राईहरूबाहेक अन्य जन समुदायको भेला साथै सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम गर्नुको मुख्य उद्देश्य सबैमा भाइचाराको सन्देश फैलाउनु हो।<br /> </p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp; किराँती खम्बू राईहरूको पुर्खाहरू आदिम कालदेखि मध्य हिमालयको पहाडी क्षेत्रमा बसोवास गर्ने प्राचीन जनजाति हुन्। किराँत राजा यलम्बरले<br /> स्थापना गरेका किरात राज्य आधुनिक नेपालको त्रिशुली नदी पूर्व, आधुनिक भारतको टिस्टा सुनकोशसम्म फैलिएको थियो भन्ने किराँती इतिहासमा पढ्न पाइन्छ। त्यसैले आधुनिक देश भारत-नेपालको सिमाना कोरिनु अघिदेखि किराँत राई जातिको बसोवास स्थल उत्तर पूर्वी भारतको सिलगढी,<br /> दार्जीलिङ, सिक्किम, आसाम, मणिपुरदेखि भूटान, बर्मासम्म रहेको पाइन्छ। तसर्थ किराँती राई यस क्षेत्रका रैथाने जनजाति मध्य एक हो।<br /> किराँत धर्मअन्तर्गत आदिमकालदेखि किराँती पुर्खाहरूले मनाउँदै आएकोपरम्परगत साकेला पर्व उभौली किराँत राईहरूको सबैभन्दा ठूलो पर्व<br /> हो। <br /> </p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp; पारुहाङ्ग सुम्निमा (शिव- पार्वती ) इष्ट देवता हुन्। प्राकृतिक पूजक किराँत खम्बू राईहरू शिली नृत्य गरी उभौली-उधौली वर्षमा दुईपटक भूमि<br /> तथा कूल पूजा मनाउने गर्छन्। उभौली बैशाख पूर्णिमा र उधौली मङ्सिरे पूर्णिमामा पर्दछ। उभौली खेती लगाउने समय आयो भनी प्रकृति-भूमि तथा कूल पूजा ढोल झ्याम्टा बजाउँदै शिली नाच्दै प्रकृतिको पूजा गरिन्छ। यति बेला गर्मीदेखि बाच्न सबै चरा चुरुङ्गी, जानवारहरू हिमाल चढ्ने सङ्केत मानिन्छ। किराँती पुर्खाहरू कृषिमा निर्भर भएको कारण नया अन्नबाली राम्रो फलोस फुलोस्, प्राकृतिक प्रकोप भल पैह्रो नलागोस साथै सबै मानव समाजको कल्याण होस भनी प्रकृति पूजा गरी बल विन्ती माग्ने चलन छ। यसै प्रथालाई यथावत राख्न उभौली पूजा गरिन्छ।<br /> </p>, 05 May 2023 00:00:00 GMTCelebration of Sakela puja 2022 in M.M. Terai<p><strong>Siliguri, May 18:</strong> Yalambar Hang Kiranti Khambu (Rai) Sanskritik Sansthan <em><strong>(Y.H.K.K.R.S.S.)</strong></em> M.M. Terai, Bagdogra On 16th May (Kiranti Yele Sambat-5082) Ubhauli Puja (Sakela), the great festival of Kiranti Khambu Rai, was observed with great gaiety at MM Tarai Mankhim premises. Devotees from the Kirawa community and various other public gatherings dressed up in their ethnic costumes gathered at the Sakela Ubhouli Puja Mangkhim premises to receive the blessings of Paruhang Sumnima.</p> <p style="text-align:center"><img alt="M M Terai, Kiratrai bagdogra" " style="width: 100%;border-radius: 8px;" src=";token=3ee5f325-05dd-4b84-ab02-c9084f490e14" width="668" /></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><em><span style="font-size:10px">Group photo of Bubu and Nicha. &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; <u>Photo by Deepak Puma Rai</u>&nbsp; &nbsp;</span></em></p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Mangpa(Pujari) Mr. Veer Bahadur Rai did Prakriti and Pitri Puja and presided over the ritual, which was presided over by T. B. Rai, President of <em><strong>Y.H.K.K.R.S.S</strong></em>. The special guests in the program were Major General Retired B.D. Rai (<em>YSM</em>) Jew Dr. Pratap Singh Rai (<em>President Central Committee KK RS Darjeeling</em>), Uddayan Rai (<em>Secretary General Central Committee</em>), Mani Kumar Rai (<em>Vice President Central Committee</em>), Sankhamani Rai (<em>Ex President, Cultural Board</em>), Colonel Retd Bimal Dewan (<em>Chairman Gorkha Ex-Secretary District Military Organisation</em>), Colonel Retd Keshav Rai (Ex-Secretary District Military Board, Darjeeling), Khem Rai Senior Advocate, Rajes Rai (<em>Chairman Kiranti Khambu Rai Siliguri Branch Ruhup</em>), Major Retd K.K. Rai, Basant Sampang (<em>President Tusuyungkhuli Mangkhim</em>) was present on the stage.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The main attraction of this program is a <strong>25 feet high Wabuk</strong> which was constructed in Mangkhim premises under the leadership of Mr. Asim Rai and was unveiled by special guest Retired Major General B.D.</p> <p style="text-align:center"><img alt="M M Terai, Mangkhim" style="width: 100%;border-radius: 8px;" src=";token=a46513f5-96df-46bd-b617-462eb1056daa" width="668" /></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size:10px"><em>View of Mangkhim and 25 feet high Wabuk.&nbsp; <u>Photo by Deepak Puma Rai</u></em>&nbsp;</span> &nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp; The cultural sili dance of Kiranti Khambu Rai was performed by the artists of M.M. Terai and Panitanki which made the Ubhauli Puja (Sakela) more exciting by giving a very interesting performance and made the audience and devotees happy. They won the hearts of the audience by making Ubhouli Puja even more joyous by giving a performance.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp; President of (Y.H.K.K.R.S.S.) Bagdogra Mr. Til Bahadur Rai gave thanks to all who participated in this grant program.</p> <br/> <p>Download our App Here: <a href=";hl=en&amp;gl=US">Kirati Mundum</a></p>, 16 May 2022 00:00:00 GMTParticipation in Subulbhita's Sakela Puja<div><span style="font-weight: bold;">02/06/2019: Subalbhita,Panitanki. <br /> </span></div> <div><span style="font-weight: bold;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>Its great to attained the Sakela Puja organised by Subulbhita, Panitanki We received a warm welcome from the team of organiser and was overwhelmed by their hospitality More than Fifty people from KKRSS Bagdogra along with SIli Toli attained Sakela Puja in the premises of their Mangkhim <br /> </div>, 02 Jun 2019 00:00:00 GMT23rd Ubhauli Sakela Puja<p><strong>On 18th May 2019</strong> our 23rd Sakela Ubhauli Puja was concluded with grandeur. The love of the audience was worth seeing.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp; In order to participate in Sakela Ubhouli, dignitaries from many places like Bihar, Darjeeling, Panitanki, Sukulbitta, Paruhang Tol from Nepal, Bagdogra&#39;s Limbu Samaj, Khas Samaj, Gurung Samaj, Buddhist Samaj were present. Cheparung dance by Limbu Samaj of Bagdogra, Sakela dance by Paruhang Tol and Rai Samaj of Panitanki enthralled all the audience.</p> <p style="text-align:center"><img alt="Kirat Rai Bagdogra" " style="width: 100%;border-radius: 8px;" src=";token=56a3af2f-f430-4ef4-8269-e967e8c304d8" width="668" /></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size:10px">Sili Naach performed by Bagdogra Toli. &nbsp; <u><em>Photo by Deepak Puma Rai </em></u>&nbsp; </span></p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp; The distinguished guests who came to see Sakela were Mr. BK Singh Rai (<em>Tribeni, Bihar</em>), Colonel BD Rai, Colonel RB Rai, Mr. Tara Kumar Rai (<em>President, KKRSS Central</em>), Mrs. Binita Khambu Rai (<em>General Secretary, KKRSS Central</em>), Major KK Rai, Mr. Shankar Rai (<em>Panitanki Rai Samaj</em>), Mr. Santosh Rai (<em>Charali, Nepal</em>), Mrs. Sushila Rai (<em>Nachong</em>), Mr. Bir Baha Rai (<em>Mangpa</em>).</p> <br/> <p>Download our App Here: <a href=";hl=en&amp;gl=US">Kirati Mundum</a></p>, 18 May 2019 00:00:00 GMTKirat star Competition<p>A song competition was organized by Kirat Khambu Rai Sanskritik Sansthan Bagdogra under the chairmanship of Mr. Kripasur Rai and with the support of Mr. PM Rai and Kailash Sapkota in which 15-16 girls of Wari Pari of Bagdogra participated and the program concluded on 16 September 2018.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp; It happened in which four people (Chandra Kala Rai, Sonia Rai, Pujan Rai, and Anu Rai) gave certificates of appreciation to the girls and thanked them. Major Mr. K. Rai and B.P. Colonel Mr. Bimal Dewan gave a cash amount. All dignitaries present in the meeting wished the children a bright future and informed them that there will be such activities again in the future.</p> <br/> <p>Download our App Here: <a href=";hl=en&amp;gl=US">Kirati Mundum</a></p>, 17 Sep 2018 00:00:00 GMTBhadaure Purnima was celebrated with grandeur<p><strong>26 Aug 2018 MM Terai Bagdogra:</strong><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Bhadaure Purnima was celebrated with grandeur by Yalambar Hang Kirat Khambu Rai Sanskritik Sansthan, Bagdogra. The work of puja was started by Mr. Bir Bahadur Rai (Mangpa), a resident of Tindhare First of all, remembering Khoglihangma (Budi Baju) and praying for strength and wisdom, next the program moved to the shikari stan and finally performing Chula Puja inside our original Mangkhim</p> <p style="text-align:center"><img alt="Kirat Rai Bagdogra, Rai, Kirati Mundum" style="width: 100%;border-radius: 8px;" src=";token=2f03bea9-0030-4f3a-a4d2-92a82d998155" width="688" /></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><u><em><span style="font-size:10px">Photo by Deepak Puma Rai</span></em></u></p> <p><em><strong>Importance of Bhadaure Purnima:</strong></em></p> <ul> <li>After this puja, we can eat newly grown paddy, ginger, etc.</li> <li>Musical instruments such as Dhol, Jhemta, Madal, etc. can be played after this.</li> </ul> <p>Download our App here <em><a href=";hl=en&amp;gl=US">Kirati Mundum</a></em></p>, 26 Aug 2018 00:00:00 GMTParticipating in Sakela Festival organized by Kiranti Khambu Rai Cultural Institute Center Committee at Chowrasta<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Kiranti Khambu Rai Sanskritik Sansthan (<em>Central Committee</em>) has organized a program and was presided over by Tara Kumar Rai (President of the K.K.R.S.S. Central Comittee) along with the chairman of G.T.A. Vinay Tamang, Director of Anthropological Survey of India Dr. Kakuli Chakravorty, Darjeeling District Governor Jyoshi Dasgupta, MLAs Amar Singh Rai, Sarita Rai, Khambu Board&#39;s current Secretary Kaushik Chatterjee, Works Department (Sikkim) President Mohan Dungmali, former MP RB Rai, District Office Public Prosecutor Pranay Rai, the famous director of Nepali films Tulsi Ghimire, well-known hero Dayahang Rai, Aruna Karki, national player Sushmita Rai, local singer Pranesh Rai and other officials of various Jat Gosthi organizations including Khambu Bikash Bod Vice President Shankh Mani Rai.<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp; The program began after the procession from the local railway station and reached the Chowrasta. Sili dance performed by various sili troupes kept the Chowrasta complex humming throughout the day.<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp; The event which started with the welcome address of Binita Khambu Rai, General Secretary of the Institute, Daya Hang Rai, Sushmita Rai, Jitu Rai, and Kirati language expert Ramesh Tenchippa were addressed by the guests.</p> <br /> <p>For more download our App <a href=";hl=en&amp;gl=US">Kirati Mundum</a></p>, 20 May 2018 00:00:00 GMT22nd Ubhauli Sakela 2018<p>On <strong>30th April 2018,</strong> <strong>Y.H.K.K.R.S.S.</strong> Bagdogra MM Tarai Branch, under the auspices of 22nd Ubhauli Sakela, was completed with grandeur by hoisting the flag by our President Mr. Dambar Bahadur Rai.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>Y.H.K.K.R.S.S.</strong> Bagdogra MM Terai Branch Sili team showed their maturity by showing many types of Sili among the devotees. On the occasion of the Great Festival of Ubhouli Sakela, the delegations of <em><strong>Limbu Hitkari Samaj, Khas Samaj, Gurung Samaj, Panitanki Rai Samaj, Charali Rai Samaj</strong></em> of Nepal were invited. Those who gave glory to the name of our caste in different areas were honored by wearing a speech within Mangkhim, Mr. Bir Bahadur Rai, a resident of 3 Dhare, Darjeeling performed Shuptulung Puja and worshiped Nag Nagini on the bank of Balasan river and prayed for strength and wisdom.</p> <p style="text-align:center"><img alt="Kirati Mundum, Kirat Rai Bagdogra" style="width: 100%;border-radius: 8px;" src=";token=ee0adc24-8c8a-4ea7-afb5-67d5faabf90e" width="688" /></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size:10px">Delegates on the Stage.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <u>Photo by Deepak Puma Rai</u></span><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp; Our chief guests who came on the occasion of the 22nd Ubhouli Sakela are as follows - <strong>Colonel Bimal Dewan, Colonel RB Rai, Major KK Rai</strong>, and Kirat Khambu Rai Cultural Institute Central Committee General Secretary <strong>Binita Khambu Rai</strong>.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp; All the chief guests delivered their speeches in our presence.</p> <p>Download our App here <a href=";hl=en&amp;gl=US">Kirati Mundum</a></p>, 30 Apr 2018 00:00:00 GMTDissolution of old postholder and election of new postholder<p>On 01 April 2018, Y.H.K.K.R.S.S. Bagdogra Annual General Conference was held, the main outline of which is as follows -<br /> 1. Statement of Annual Income and Expenditure of the Society by our Treasurer Mr. Bal Bahadur Rai<br /> 2. Statement of Income and Expenditure of Udhauli Puja Our Puja Koshadyakshay by Shri Prasad Man Rai<br /> 3. Description of Rest house and Stage under construction in Mangkhim premises by Mr. Kripasar Rai<br /> 4. Details of the work done in the society by the Chairman Mr. Mani Prasad Rai<br /> And the main framework was the dissolution of the old office bearer and the election of the new office bearer was done by the Chairman of the Assembly Mr. Bal Bahadur Rai for all our members.<br /> The names of the new office bearers are as follows &ndash;<br /> <strong>Chairman </strong>- Mr. Dambar Bahadur Rai<br /> <strong>Deputy Chairman</strong> - Shri Yama Bahadur Mukhiya<br /> <strong>Chief Secretary</strong> - Shri Dev Prasad Rai<br /> <strong>Deputy Secretary</strong> - Shri Ravi Rai<br /> <strong>Cashier</strong>- Shri Indra Bahadur Rai<br /> It has been informed that now five main posts have been appointed and the appointment of CES posts will be done in the coming days.</p> <br/> <p>Download our App here <a href="">Kirati Mundum</a></p>, 01 Apr 2018 00:00:00 GMTInitiative for the construction of a Kitchen Hall and celebrate yale dong<p>On <strong>15th January 2018</strong>, our organization organized a picnic on the eve of <strong>Yele Dong 5078</strong> presided over by President Mr. Mani Prasad Rai at our Mangkhim premises in which our various members were present A cultural program was also organized on the occasion of <strong>Yele Dong 5078.</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp; The chief guest of our program is <strong>Rtd. Major</strong> <em><strong>Shri K. K. Rai. </strong></em>On the occasion of Yele Dong, another good thing was announced today in which Mr. Arjun Rai, a resident of Bagdogra, will build a Kitchen hall in our Mangkhim premises in behalf of his late mother&#39;s name.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Download our App here <a href=";hl=en&amp;gl=US">Kirati Mundum</a></p>, 15 Jan 2018 00:00:00 GMTTricky moment of new committee formation.<p>On <strong>30 December 2017</strong>, the annual general meeting was organized by our organization which was attended by the leading dignitaries and intellectuals of our organization the purpose of this general meeting was to form a new committee.<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp; The dignitaries and intellectual members present in the meeting expressed mutual agreement and nominated new members for five major positions and these major five positions <em>were<strong> Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Deputy Secretary, and Treasurer.</strong></em><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp; Current chairman Mr. Mani Prasad Rai said that there are many intellectuals and distinguished members in our institute and they also have the right to occupy this post.<br /> The names of the five posts and candidates are as follows &ndash;<br /> <strong>Chairman</strong> - Mr. Dumbar Bahadur Rai,<br /> <strong>Secretary</strong> - Shri Ramesh Rai,<br /> <strong>Deputy Secretary</strong> - Mr. Dev Prasad Rai and<br /> <strong>Treasurer </strong>- Shri Narendra Rai<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp; Apart from this post, other posts like <em><strong>Sanskar Cultural Advisor, Mangkhim Caretaker, Publicity Committee and Office Manager</strong></em> will remain the same and some more names will be added.<br /> &quot;The reshuffle will be effective from March.&quot;</p> <p>Download our App here <a href=";hl=en&amp;gl=US">Kirati Mundum</a></p>, 30 Dec 2017 00:00:00 GMTUnder the auspices of our organization Ubhauli Puja was organized at Mangkhim, MM Terai.१० मई २०१७ एम एम तराई बागडोगरा : बुधबार किरात खम्बु राई सांस्कृतिक संस्थान बागडोगरा , एम एम तराई शाखाको तत्वाधानमा एम एम तराई स्थित मांङ्गखिममा सभापति श्री मणि प्रसाद राई को अध्यक्षतामा साकेवा उभौली पूजा आयोजन गरेको थियो | कार्यक्रमको शुरुवात मुख्य अतिथि को बहुलीबाट दिप प्रज्वलन पश्चात गरियो | कार्यक्रमलाई सम्बोधन गर्दै मुख्य अतिथिले कार्यक्रममा उपस्थित संपूर्ण खम्बु राई लाई साकेवा पर्वको औचित्यबारे जानकारी दिँदै आयोजक शाखाका पदाधिकारी तथा सदस्य वर्गः लाई धन्यवाद टकराए | किरात खम्बु राई हरु को यो महापर्व साकेवा उभौली पूजा तीनधारे निवासी मांङ्गपा श्री बीर बहादुर राईले तीन वटा चुलाढुङ्गा साकक्षी राखी सुमनीमा, पारुहांगलाई नमन गर्दै आकाशका ३३ कोटि देव देवी पातालका सीमेभूमे नाग नागिनी लाई पुजदै विश्व शांतिको कामना गर्दै पूजा अर्चना गरे | कार्यक्रमलाई सफलपारणा पानीटंकी, उदयपुर बेलटार (नेपाल), बागडोगरा लिम्बु समाज आदिका टोली उपस्थित रहेको थियो | यस अवसरमा हाम्रा सिली टोली, उदयपुर बेलटार का सिली टोली र बागडोगरा लिम्बु समाज ले चेप्रोम नृत्य प्रस्तुत गरेर कार्यक्रमलाई रोमांचक बनायो |, 10 May 2017 00:00:00 GMTAnthropological Survey of India presentation by Khambu Rai..<p>The &quot;Anthropological Survey of India (ASI)&quot; department under the Ministry of Culture, Government of India organized a cultural program called &quot;Parampara&quot; with the purpose of showcasing the traditions of the tribal tribes and ethnic festivals of the North Eastern states.<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Kolkota - A cultural team from &quot;Kirati Khambu Rai Cultural Institute (KKRSS)&quot; participated in the program, representing the tribes of Darjeeling hills and millions of Khambu Rais living across the country, in the program conducted at the &quot;Ashutosh Centenary Hall&quot; located at the &quot;Indian Museum&quot;. He came to take it. The KKRSS team participated in the prestigious program on the special invitation of the Permanent Director of Anthropological Survey of India (ASI) &ndash; &ldquo;Dr.<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In the festival, Bodo, Benthiputal, Santhal of Birbhum, and other tribes of Manipur, Nagaland, and Mizoram states performed their traditional jhakis. During the two-day festival, the performances of all the tribes and tribes of eastern India were performed. The team of KKRSS performed Sili dance and three Chula dhunga (suptalung) puja rituals. Mangseva (Ancestor Worship), Shikari Sili and Narawa Sili were also performed in the program. On the second day of the program, sili based on the legends of Kirati Khambu Rais (eg: Hetchakuppa, Tayama-Khiyama, and Sumnima-Paruhang) will be presented.<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Kirati Khambu Rai cultural team under the leadership of KKRSS - Central General Secretary - Binita Khambu Rai participated in the program. A 17-member sili troupe of KKRSS - Bagdhugra is going to perform sili dance under the leadership of Silimangpa - &quot;Ujwal Rai&quot;.</p> <br/> <p>For more download our App <a href=";hl=en&amp;gl=US">Kirati Mundum</a></p>, 17 Feb 2017 00:00:00 GMTLaunch of Calender 2017<p>After many days, we came again and want to say that we are going to launch our own <em><strong>Calendar</strong></em> for the year 2017. We know that this is a little late through this calendar we want to introduce ourselves.</p> <p>In our calendar, you will find information about :</p> <ol> <li>Our Mangkhim (<em>premises of Khoglihang, the premises of Shikarithan</em>),</li> <li>Information about our Deurali premises,</li> <li>Jewellery, weapons, tools, apparel of Rai,</li> <li>Design of Khims,</li> <li>Importance of Sayabung, drums, and jhemta ,</li> <li>The meaning of Mundum,</li> <li>Information about different Sili Naach, Murchunga, rinte, sunakhari,</li> <li>and many more.</li> </ol> <p>For more download our App <a href=";hl=en&amp;gl=US">Kirati Mundum</a></p>, 26 Jan 2017 00:00:00 GMTUdhauli Sakewa of 2016 ....<p><strong>12th December 2016 </strong>(Monday) in the evening Samkha and Bhumi Puja (at Hainkhamma Long) was performed by Mangpa Shri Bir Bahadur Rai (<em>resident of Tin Dhara</em>) with grandeur and on 13th December 2016 Tuesday 20th or Udhauli Sakewa our Mankhim Inside the premises, Sili Dance was performed by the Sili team to the whole audience, and Udhauli Sakewa was performed by Mangpa Shri Bir Bahadur Rai. Kirati Khambu Rai Cultural Institute Panitanki branch presented their sili dance and it became the center of attraction. On behalf of the Central Committee, Mr. Tara Kumar Rai joined the moment.</p> <p>For more download our App <a href=";hl=en&amp;gl=US">Kirati Mundum</a></p>, 13 Dec 2016 00:00:00 GMTOn behalf of the Khambu family, they presented short information about their history, tradition, lifestyle in front of all the dignitaries present...<p>Date 11th November 2016: Under the leadership of the Gorkha Territory Administration at Bhanu Bhawan Crossroad Darjeeling, 11 castes of Gorkhas (Rai, Bhujel, Magar, Sunuwar, Khas, Yakkha, Dewan, Newar, Gurung, Thami...) A small demonstration of the weapons wielded by Khan Pan, Purvaj was presented to Deputy Director General Tribal Affairs Vishu Maini and his team. On behalf of the Khambu family, Binita Rai (Secretary, Central Committee KKRSS) and Bandana Rai (Vice President, Central Committee AIKKRA) presented brief information about the history, tradition, and lifestyle of the Kirats in front of all the dignitaries present. Three sili dances were presented by Kirat Khambu Rai Cultural Institute Bagdogra and information about each sili dance was told by Bhaktiraj Rai (Bagdogra).</p> <br/> <p>For more download our App <a href=";hl=en&amp;gl=US">Kirati Mundum</a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>, 11 Nov 2016 00:00:00 GMTState level workshop on rituals and culture of "KIRAT RAI" community.State level workshop on rituals and cultures of KIRAT RAI community organized by Akhil Kirat Rai Sangh (A.K.R.S) Sikkim on New Secondary Namchi School (Sikkim) dated : 5th, 6th Nov 2016 .... where all of our cultural researchers and professors gathers to discuss on following topics : Janam Sanskar, Mrithu Sanskar, Mundum, Vivah ...... from Bagdogra our Cultural Secretary Mr. Bhakti Raj Rai along with Mr Laxman Rai has been appointed to discuss in this following topic., 05 Nov 2016 00:00:00 GMTThe excitement of Deusi Bhailo...<p>This year we celebrated Deusi Bhailo on 31st October, 1st November, and 2nd November 2016 with a lot of fun in which we presented a cultural dance show.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp; On 31st October, we visited Pramod Nagar, Bhuttabari-1, Bhuttabari-2, Birsenjot, Pradhan Nagar-1, Pradhan Nagar-2, Dara Gau-1, Dara Gau-2 located in Bagdogra, Stalin Nagar, Defense Colony on 1st November. Ho Chi Minh City, Jyoti City, Gary Village, and on November 2, M.M. Deusi Bhailo was played in Terai and Gosaipur</p> <p>For more download our App <a href=";hl=en&amp;gl=US">Kirati Mundum</a></p>, 31 Oct 2016 00:00:00 GMTFirst Annual meeting of this year.On 10th of April 2016 our organization has organised annual meeting where at least one family member from each house were compulsory. Some of Topics that are discussed in this meeting are as follows :- 1. Discussion on Social welfare. 2. Discussion on upcoming Ubhauli Puja. 3. Details of our Accounts (i.e Credit and Debt). 4. Discussion on our Graveyard (Construction of wall) ., 10 Apr 2016 00:00:00 GMTParticipating in 2nd Kirat Rai International Seminar, 2015<p>Sevanne, You are kindly informed that - Under the joint auspices of Akhil Kirat Rai Sangh, Sikkim and Kiranti Khambu Rai Cultural Institute, Central Committee, Darjeeling, on 21st and 22nd February 2015, Saturday and Sunday, ISKCON Temple, Sevak Road, and Milan Mode, Siliguri will hold two In the session, the second Kiranti Rai International Conference was completed in a grand manner The first Kiranti Rai International Conference was organized by Kirati Rai Yaokkha, Nepal in the year 2011 in Kathmandu.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp; This second Kiranti Rai International Conference is also fully supported by Yaokkha, Nepal. Representatives of the Kirat Rai Association from Nepal, America, England, Japan, Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, and Dubai participated in this kind of unprecedented conference in India.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp; The representatives of the Kirat Rai Association established in different states of India participated in this conference.</p> <br/> <p>For more download our App <a href=";hl=en&amp;gl=US">Kirati Mundum</a></p>, 21 Feb 2015 00:00:00 GMTSakela Ubhauli celebration done in MirikGrand Sakela Ubhauli celebration done in "Mirik" on 27th of April 2013. Huge number of Kirantis people reached from different places (i.e From Darjeeling, Kalimpong, Sikkim, Bagdogra, Sukna, Salbari etc...) to Mirik Lake where many cultural program, performance, SiliDance, Songs etc etc were setup. All this performance were perform step by step and became the center of attraction to huge procession. From our side we perform "Sili Naach" that basically represents all the steps of our Flora and Fauna., 27 Apr 2013 00:00:00 GMTIssue of Identity CardIt is to announce that our organization has launched the Identity Card in which Name, Thar, Pacha, Nationality and Address (incl.. PO , PS , District ) of our member were included. The main aim behind launching this identity card is to know the exact numbers of the kirantis in our region and also to verify our members., 05 May 2010 00:00:00 GMT